I saw this lovely logo... Girl BIG Dream... I'm feeling contented for what's happening around me NOW! Thanks for the great great vacation in USA and I'm back fueled with new inspirations, new goals, and positive mindset!
yeap! I've successfully gain back my confidence... and thanks for my shortfall in the past, the negative forces that pushes me to my extreme and I've got no choice but to strive hard and stand 'steel' (the really besi)! im glad this is where I learned to be strong, continue to be persistent with 'never die heart' 打不死的精神!
I've listed down my goals, and taking one-step at a time to slowly slowly plot into my calendar!
P.S : Love this logo, so ME! will take this as reference for my upcoming future business plan!
Also, I've learned, as I had came a long way since age of 20 until now, I seriously realized that goals have to be written down... or else, we're just simply too forgetful! lol ^.^